For a time, all was called good,
Perfectly balanced, as it should.
Till–at once–by slithering prod,
Very good longed to be God.
Cold shoulders met the Sovereign’s hand.
The ground, the womb, the heart of man
Were cursed but promised on that day
A snake crusher would pave the way.
We echo the cry of Eden’s exiled;
We’ve even tested Egypt’s chains.
Lost joy, a spouse, a home, a child,
We’ve tasted the fruit of mortal pains.
Yet from within, this hunger cries
For all that’s wrong to be made right,
For justice to be claimed and won,
And every bondage to be undone.
But still this nagging voice remains;
The mirror only shares disdain.
Beneath our skin, souls cry, “Red handed!”
But stubborn hearts shun the bandage.
There is no hope to look within;
Our heroes all too stained with sin.
Yet still we hear the battle cry,
In every heart, eye for an eye.
Who can rescue? Who would save?
Herod felt right to fear the babe.
Upon His back, our guilt was laid.
By His heel, the serpent slayed.
Our infinite king left heaven’s side.
The manger’s infant, born to die.
Jesus, both mortal and divine,
Grace and wrath now intertwined.
First a stable, His presence came.
Now our hearts, His Spirit claims.
The wait is over, we can rejoice!
Let all the earth hear our voice.
As weary world’s anguish grows,
We shine and sing till everyone knows.
We are the star and angel host,
Let Emmanuel be exposed.
“Christ has come!” we shall proclaim.
Let heavy hearts all hear His name.
Grief and guilt can be erased,
Just look upon the Savior’s face.